between walls
Directed by
José Filipe Costa e João Ribeiro
75 minutes
This film is about two Ukrainians cousins: Sergey and Eduard, who are illegal immigrants in Portugal. They work as construction workers in the outskirts of Lisbon. The two of them share a converted garage with three others illegal Ukrainian immigrants. Their life in the garage is very basic and dull, but their inner life is full of contradictory feelings and nostalgia. The film describes their final months in voluntary exile, when yearning for home becomes more acute while the question of prolonging their stay arises. Finally, they leave Portugal and the film follows their first days in their own country. What kind of dreams can give them the strength to live and survive in these inhuman conditions in a faraway land?
Image  João Ribeiro
Sound  José Filipe Costa
Editing  Andrijana Stojkovic
2003  Prémio “Melhor Longa-Metragem” Festival Caminhos do Cinema Português

Festivals And exhibitions
2002  Doc’s Kingdom
2003  Caminhos do Cinema Português
2003  Cinéma du Réel, Org. Bibliothèque Centre Pompidou, competição Internacional
2003  Culturgest (antestreia)
2003  III Encontros de Viana – Olhares Frontais
2003  Festival DocLisboa
2004  Zinebidok 45º Festival Internacional de Documentário e Curta-metragem de Bilbao
2004  New Portuguese Documentary, Australian Centre for the Moving Image
2004  44º Festival dei Popoli, competição internacional
2005  Les Écrans Documentaires
2007  Viscult – The Festival of Visual Culture
2007  Worldfilm 2007, Tartu Festival of Visual Culture
2008  Aici si acolo, Festival de Film Pe Tem Migratei
2011  1 doc +2 curtas=3 filmes de José Filipe Costa - Encontros de Cinema na Malaposta
2011  Ciclo Terceira Metade — Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro
2012  Mostra de Cinema Contemporâneo Português, Caixa Cultural, São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro